[Eric] last version 18.01
2018-01-07 08:59:59 UTC

I am very satisfied to use Eric for many years and I installed the last
version yesterday.

Under Windows 10, it is ok, only the french translation is not ok ? I
don't know why.

Under Linux Mageia 6 x64, it is more complicated. I had to update PyQt5
and QScintilla. The installation was ok, completed without error.

I give you the error message when I launch Eric6:

Warning: translation file 'qt_fr_FR'could not be loaded.
Using default.
Warning: translation file 'qscintilla_fr_FR'could not be loaded.
Using default.
Erreur de segmentation (core dumped)

Thanks to help to solve that because I can't run it anymore !

Happy new year !


Serge Gauthier
Detlev Offenbach
2018-01-07 11:34:51 UTC
Hello Serge,

the French translations are not included anymore because they were too
incomplete. However, they are still included in the source code available
through the repository.

The segmentation fault you are observing on Mageia may be caused by the
distribution packages of Qt5/PyQt5/... I am developing eric on Kubuntu 17.10
and it works fine there. Unfortunately I don't have a Mageia installation
around. I'll try to install it in a VirtualBox VM.

Post by serge
I am very satisfied to use Eric for many years and I installed the last
version yesterday.
Under Windows 10, it is ok, only the french translation is not ok ? I
don't know why.
Under Linux Mageia 6 x64, it is more complicated. I had to update PyQt5
and QScintilla. The installation was ok, completed without error.
Warning: translation file 'qt_fr_FR'could not be loaded.
Using default.
Warning: translation file 'qscintilla_fr_FR'could not be loaded.
Using default.
Erreur de segmentation (core dumped)
Thanks to help to solve that because I can't run it anymore !
Happy new year !
Serge Gauthier
Detlev Offenbach
Detlev Offenbach
2018-01-07 15:58:41 UTC
OK, Python 2.6 does not know about 'set comprehensions'. These were introduced
in Python 2.7. eric6 is meant to be used with Python 2.7 or higher or Python
3.4 or higher. Please note, that Python 2.6 is very old (last release was done
in Nov. 2013).

Thanks, may be this is the reason under windows 10.
There is Python2.6 and Python 3.6 installed.
I only use python3.6.3 with Qt 5.9.2, PyQt 5.9.1 , sip 4.19.5 QScintilla
2.10.1 with the latest version 18.01
Ok I'll see.
the offending line works for me with Python 2.7.14. Which Python2 version
do you have? Maybe you can try to change the offending line to read
instead of
Your Python2 may not know about set comprehensions.
Thanks to take time to answer.
I give you the message on start-up and when I apply a modification in
the preferences dialog box !
Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000107 EndHTML:0000003740
StartFragment:0000000540 EndFragment:0000003704
An unhandled exception occurred. Please report the problem using the
error reporting dialog or via email to
--- ---- 2018-01-07, 15:47:40
--- ---- <type 'exceptions.SyntaxError'>: invalid syntax
(DocStyleChecker.py, line 930)
--- ---- File
line 160, in run ret = self.__initClientService(fn, *data) File
line 63, in __initClientService importedModule = __import__(module,
globals(), locals(), [], 0) File
ker \CodeStyleChecker.py", line 24, in <module> from DocStyleChecker
import DocStyleChecker
--- ---- Version Numbers: Python 3.6.3 Qt 5.9.2 PyQt 5.9.1 sip 4.19.5
QScintilla 2.10.1 WebEngine 56.0.2924.122 eric6 18.01 (rev.
61b1ce18b148) Platform: win32 3.6.3 (v3.6.3:2c5fed8, Oct 3 2017,
18:11:49) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)]
--- ---- Plugins Version Numbers: PluginAbout 18.01
PluginCodeStyleChecker 18.01 PluginEricapi 18.01 PluginEricdoc 18.01
PluginPipInterface 18.01
PluginSyntaxChecker 18.01 PluginTabnanny 18.01 PluginTranslator 18.01
PluginVcsGit 18.01 PluginVcsMercurial 18.01 PluginVcsPySvn 18.01
PluginVcsSubversion 18.01 PluginVirtualenvInterface 18.01
PluginVmListspace 18.01 PluginVmTabview 18.01 PluginWizardDotDesktop
18.01 PluginWizardE5MessageBox 18.01 PluginWizardEricPlugin 18.01
PluginWizardPyRegExp 18.01 PluginWizardQColorDialog 18.01
PluginWizardQFileDialog 18.01 PluginWizardQFontDialog 18.01
PluginWizardQInputDialog 18.01 PluginWizardQMessageBox 18.01
PluginWizardQRegExp 18.01 PluginWizardQRegularExpression 18.01
PluginWizardSetup 18.01
File: C:\Users\gauth\Applications\eric6-18.01\eric\eric6.py
Line: 205
Function: excepthook
Ok Detlev, it is very kind of you trying to use Mageia 6 on VM
environment so you can see exactly.
Unfortunately I didn't succeed. After the initial installation step it
reboots once but fails once I uninstalled the virtualbox stuff in order
to update it. Sorry that I cannot help with Mageia.
On windows, could you tell me why I have this message " The background
client for Python2 has stopped due to an exception...." each time I
start Eric6 ? How to solve that ? It happens on 17.10 or 18.01 version.
You should see the exception in the Log-Viewer or the Shell window.
let me know.
Question: Why Expand and Collapse all directories in the project viewer
does'nt work at all ?
Works for me.
and Do you plan to provide a dark screen editor like Eclipse or
There is a dark theme in the Styles directory of the eric installation
(actually one for Qt and one for the QScintilla based editor). This was
contributed by a user.
Thanks a lot for your good work, very useful !
Post by Detlev Offenbach
Hello Serge,
the French translations are not included anymore because they were too
incomplete. However, they are still included in the source code
through the repository.
The segmentation fault you are observing on Mageia may be caused by
distribution packages of Qt5/PyQt5/... I am developing eric on Kubuntu
17.10 and it works fine there. Unfortunately I don't have a Mageia
installation around. I'll try to install it in a VirtualBox VM.
Post by serge
I am very satisfied to use Eric for many years and I installed the last
version yesterday.
Under Windows 10, it is ok, only the french translation is not ok ? I
don't know why.
Under Linux Mageia 6 x64, it is more complicated. I had to update PyQt5
and QScintilla. The installation was ok, completed without error.
Warning: translation file 'qt_fr_FR'could not be loaded.
Using default.
Warning: translation file 'qscintilla_fr_FR'could not be loaded.
Using default.
Erreur de segmentation (core dumped)
Thanks to help to solve that because I can't run it anymore !
Happy new year !
Serge Gauthier
Detlev Offenbach
Detlev Offenbach
2018-01-07 16:39:20 UTC
You're welcome.
ok, thanks a lot I install 2.7 version.
Post by Detlev Offenbach
OK, Python 2.6 does not know about 'set comprehensions'. These were
introduced in Python 2.7. eric6 is meant to be used with Python 2.7 or
higher or Python 3.4 or higher. Please note, that Python 2.6 is very old
(last release was done in Nov. 2013).
Thanks, may be this is the reason under windows 10.
There is Python2.6 and Python 3.6 installed.
I only use python3.6.3 with Qt 5.9.2, PyQt 5.9.1 , sip 4.19.5 QScintilla
2.10.1 with the latest version 18.01
Ok I'll see.
the offending line works for me with Python 2.7.14. Which Python2 version
do you have? Maybe you can try to change the offending line to read
instead of
Your Python2 may not know about set comprehensions.
Thanks to take time to answer.
I give you the message on start-up and when I apply a modification in
the preferences dialog box !
Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000107 EndHTML:0000003740
StartFragment:0000000540 EndFragment:0000003704
An unhandled exception occurred. Please report the problem using the
error reporting dialog or via email to
--- ---- 2018-01-07, 15:47:40
--- ---- <type 'exceptions.SyntaxError'>: invalid syntax
(DocStyleChecker.py, line 930)
--- ---- File
line 160, in run ret = self.__initClientService(fn, *data) File
line 63, in __initClientService importedModule = __import__(module,
globals(), locals(), [], 0) File
ker \CodeStyleChecker.py", line 24, in <module> from DocStyleChecker
import DocStyleChecker
--- ---- Version Numbers: Python 3.6.3 Qt 5.9.2 PyQt 5.9.1 sip 4.19.5
QScintilla 2.10.1 WebEngine 56.0.2924.122 eric6 18.01 (rev.
61b1ce18b148) Platform: win32 3.6.3 (v3.6.3:2c5fed8, Oct 3 2017,
18:11:49) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)]
--- ---- Plugins Version Numbers: PluginAbout 18.01
PluginCodeStyleChecker 18.01 PluginEricapi 18.01 PluginEricdoc 18.01
PluginPipInterface 18.01
PluginSyntaxChecker 18.01 PluginTabnanny 18.01 PluginTranslator 18.01
PluginVcsGit 18.01 PluginVcsMercurial 18.01 PluginVcsPySvn 18.01
PluginVcsSubversion 18.01 PluginVirtualenvInterface 18.01
PluginVmListspace 18.01 PluginVmTabview 18.01 PluginWizardDotDesktop
18.01 PluginWizardE5MessageBox 18.01 PluginWizardEricPlugin 18.01
PluginWizardPyRegExp 18.01 PluginWizardQColorDialog 18.01
PluginWizardQFileDialog 18.01 PluginWizardQFontDialog 18.01
PluginWizardQInputDialog 18.01 PluginWizardQMessageBox 18.01
PluginWizardQRegExp 18.01 PluginWizardQRegularExpression 18.01
PluginWizardSetup 18.01
File: C:\Users\gauth\Applications\eric6-18.01\eric\eric6.py
Line: 205
Function: excepthook
Ok Detlev, it is very kind of you trying to use Mageia 6 on VM
environment so you can see exactly.
Unfortunately I didn't succeed. After the initial installation step it
reboots once but fails once I uninstalled the virtualbox stuff in order
to update it. Sorry that I cannot help with Mageia.
On windows, could you tell me why I have this message " The background
client for Python2 has stopped due to an exception...." each time I
start Eric6 ? How to solve that ? It happens on 17.10 or 18.01 version.
You should see the exception in the Log-Viewer or the Shell window.
let me know.
Question: Why Expand and Collapse all directories in the project viewer
does'nt work at all ?
Works for me.
and Do you plan to provide a dark screen editor like Eclipse or
There is a dark theme in the Styles directory of the eric installation
(actually one for Qt and one for the QScintilla based editor). This was
contributed by a user.
Thanks a lot for your good work, very useful !
Post by Detlev Offenbach
Hello Serge,
the French translations are not included anymore because they were too
incomplete. However, they are still included in the source code
through the repository.
The segmentation fault you are observing on Mageia may be caused by
distribution packages of Qt5/PyQt5/... I am developing eric on Kubuntu
17.10 and it works fine there. Unfortunately I don't have a Mageia
installation around. I'll try to install it in a VirtualBox VM.
Post by serge
I am very satisfied to use Eric for many years and I installed the last
version yesterday.
Under Windows 10, it is ok, only the french translation is not ok ? I
don't know why.
Under Linux Mageia 6 x64, it is more complicated. I had to update PyQt5
and QScintilla. The installation was ok, completed without error.
Warning: translation file 'qt_fr_FR'could not be loaded.
Using default.
Warning: translation file 'qscintilla_fr_FR'could not be loaded.
Using default.
Erreur de segmentation (core dumped)
Thanks to help to solve that because I can't run it anymore !
Happy new year !
Serge Gauthier
Detlev Offenbach